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Wednesday, August 17, 2016

They know not what they do.

Forgive them Father, for they know not what they do.  Luke 23:34

The mother stood in silence. She is the mother of one of the four marines murdered in Chattanooga by a lone terrorist.  A lone trumpeter faced her from midfield and played Taps. The tones echoed in the stadium’s silence. The mother’s face was projected on the giant video screen in the stadium. On this sunny Saturday at the beginning of November, the sun warmed her face and dried her tears, for all to see.   She stood bravely in silence as she accepted this postmortem honor bestowed on her son by the University; the audience respected her in her grief and honored her stoicism with respect.  Then as the band began to play The Star Spangled Banner, a guard captain asked me, “Please, can we NOT hold our flags at present arms? It’s too painful.”