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Wednesday, October 30, 2013

"Mrs. P"

Lassiter Note from 1982

by Robert Robinson on Friday, November 30, 2012 at 12:36am ·
A funny teaching story from 1982:A band booster Mom at Lassiter HS sat me down on the curb outside the band room on a Thursday night after practice.  When she sat down, her rear-end on the curb, I noticed her "saddlebags" touched the pavement several inches below.  I also noticed that her short-cropped blonde hair had black roots around an inch and a half long, and her thick make-up didn't quite hide the pock scars in her face.  In her Texas accent, she said to me, "Robert, you're young; you're good looking and you work with the color guard. The girls are going to like you, flirt with you, and want to go out with you. -But you are going to have to resist that! Even though you are only 21, that's unethical and inappropriate for a teacher to date a student....  [dramatic pause]...BUT you CAN date my daughter! She's a senior, and a CLARINET!"  

Mrs. R @ Walton Red Tape!

Robert Robinson on Sunday, November 4, 2012 at 1:08pm ·
I remembered this morning an anecdote from my teaching years at Walton. There were two 10th grade boys at my chalkboard diagramming sentences while I was floating around the room checking students' work. Suddenly the whole class burst into laughter and one of the boys screamed! I was shocked and decided that this behavior was intolerable so I took the boys to the administrator in charge. When I 
walked into her office and said that these boys needed to be taken care of immediately, the administrator, Mrs. R, without hesitating, looked at my coldly and said, "Is the infraction on your class rules sheet?-Because if it is not, I cannot support you." I, appalled, looked at her and said, "No, Ma'am, it's not. I don't have on my rule sheet, "Thou shalt not grab another male student by the TESTICLES and SQUEEZE while working grammar exercises!" :)

My Funny Valentines

My Funny Valentines

(dedicated to the Walton H.S. Winterguard Fashion 1993 before their winning the Southeastern Championship and before becoming a Winterguard International Finalist., APRIL 1994).

As I stood, with my back arched, my chin held high,

I thought,

“I cannot take this anymore…I don’t want to lose.

The competition is too great; they are all too good.”

I felt the tension in my back grind its way up my spine

To my brain.

I choked back the tears.

“I cannot lose,” I thought. “Not again. The work has been too hard, the fear too real;

The hours too long; the pain too great.”

They all said that we would fall apart.

I stood with my chin held high

In front of an audience too large, too critical, to show any form of weakness, I stood with my chin held high.

I thought, “I cannot lose. It would be undignified.”

Before they called out the scores, this raced through my mind,

And I knew what I learned from Winterguarad and from you…

I had already won.

On Southeastern Championships 1993

Love, Mr. R