Lassiter Note from 1982
A funny teaching story from 1982:A band booster Mom at Lassiter HS sat me down on the curb outside the band room on a Thursday night after practice. When she sat down, her rear-end on the curb, I noticed her "saddlebags" touched the pavement several inches below. I also noticed that her short-cropped blonde hair had black roots around an inch and a half long, and her thick make-up didn't quite hide the pock scars in her face. In her Texas accent, she said to me, "Robert, you're young; you're good looking and you work with the color guard. The girls are going to like you, flirt with you, and want to go out with you. -But you are going to have to resist that! Even though you are only 21, that's unethical and inappropriate for a teacher to date a student.... [dramatic pause]...BUT you CAN date my daughter! She's a senior, and a CLARINET!"